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Hotel Info

100% Non-Smoking Hotel

The Belltown Inn is a 100% non-smoking property. Smoking in a guest room is not permitted. Violations will result in a minimum fine of $250.00 per day. The Washington State Clean Indoor Act does not allow smoking withing 25 feet of an entrance, exit or ventilation intake, therefore, smoking is also prohibited in the interior courtyard and roof-top deck of this property.

Free Wi-Fi

Connect to the "belltown-guest" network to be automatically connected

Check Out Time?

Check-out time is 11AM.

Would you like a later check-out? Late check-out is available for an additional $15 per hour plus tax. Dial 0 from your room phone or text us at +1-206-202-8200 to arrange for a late check-out.

Extra Beds / Cribs

Extra rollaway beds or cribs are available for $15/night plus tax

Ice, Drink, Snack Machines

Ice Machine: Lobby and 3rd floor by elevator

Drink Machine: 2nd and 5th floors by elevator

Snack Machine 4th floor by elevator

Need Assistance? Call or Text Us!

Dial 0 from your room phone or text us at +1-206-202-8200 any time of day

Dialing from your Room Phone

Emergency            911

Local Calls (Free)  9 + Number

Toll-Free                9 + 1 + 800 + Number

Front Desk             0

Room to Room      Dial Room Number

Fax                        206-529-3701

Reservations         1-866-525-4704


To Access Room Voicemail: Press 6 and wait for the prompt